➠ Result by Saturday

Date Draw 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize Starter Consol
2015-08-29 2067 6689 7316 0527 1196 5538
2015-08-22 2060 7503 0037 0377 9723 7724
2015-08-15 2053 5605 7389 3856 8664 0249
2015-08-08 2046 6947 3897 8580 8317 1211
2015-08-01 2039 7909 6225 5841 0916 3587
2015-07-25 2032 0966 7620 9522 4089 8645
2015-07-18 2025 3015 6016 3443 2477 6804
2015-07-11 2018 5894 4615 3312 7771 9183
2015-07-04 2011 0269 2633 5626 1833 6028
2015-06-27 2004 6821 2763 5228 3405 9870
2015-06-20 1997 2344 4930 5389 2035 9240
2015-06-13 1990 8144 9781 1291 3204 4760
2015-06-06 1983 2040 3484 7211 5846 4014
2015-05-30 1976 4270 0978 9966 1062 4338
2015-05-23 1969 1797 7945 9598 7615 5533
2015-05-16 1962 3492 0302 7996 4993 8013
2015-05-09 1955 4905 5616 7739 2533 1040
2015-05-02 1948 6580 9205 6416 3481 2059
2015-04-25 1941 9128 1367 3165 1516 2792
2015-04-18 1934 6341 8410 7512 3648 5839
2015-04-11 1927 1713 1195 3409 5868 2436
2015-04-04 1920 0437 9883 8427 9157 4995
2015-03-28 1913 8820 0905 0658 4721 2775
2015-03-21 1906 7032 5322 3851 4264 7361
2015-03-14 1899 8723 3571 2186 4265 0634
2015-03-07 1892 1064 9805 1307 5372 4493
2015-02-28 1885 7738 3468 3145 5417 5391
2015-02-21 1878 9292 5781 1409 1809 3187
2015-02-14 1871 0084 3062 0126 3031 6363
2015-02-07 1864 6742 1882 6547 7550 8064

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